Redrama Redrama - Kill It With Hip Hop

Now let me tell you hell a be froze over before the RE
be walking around
with cold shoulders bold soldier Spit for the cause,
battling bullshit
Inject my dope through your headphones with them
organic acoustics You
know that false prophets be making more profit That´s
why Planet Word
had to launch the rocket Simple as this the world be
producing hypocrites
spreading around faster than y´all can say syphilis

Going insane ´cos a all a this stress on my brain I don
´t care
I kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
Everyday is a struggle they burst your bubble whole lot
of trouble
I kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
Living in a country that´s dark all the time just pay
no mind
And kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
Heads gone be feeling this HIP, feeling this HOP
After Redrama kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP

Life´s stressful but never forget you special ´cos
there a come a time
when you gonna feel blessed, too Listen I know they
mess with you and
question you trying to set you up for life in their
cesspool but they
strategy is weak and questionable you feel the same?
Then you on a quest
too (True) They best to beware now let me spark this
here They act
tough on the outside but in they heart they scared

Going insane ´cos a all a this stress on my brain I don
´t care
I kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
Lot of straight evil fake people try to drive me crazy,
But I´m a kill em with HIP, kill em with HOP
It´s trife like that, they smile in your face then put
a knife in your back
So I kill em with HIP, kill em with HOP
And if they ain´t feeling this HIP, feeling this HOP
Then I´m a have to just kill em with HIP, kill em with

Now when it comes to music I know we need some new
shit Type quick Now
I ain´t psychic but when it comes to TV they sleazy
3D Greed be
trying to feed me with shit I don´t need So leave me
alone sleazy
hoes Spitting cheesy poems MTV clones If they´re
right, I wanna be
wrong (I keep on) speaking the truth as I believe it
to be Teaching
the youth according to my ability Feeling me?

Going insane ´cos a all a this stress on my brain I don
´t give a shit
I kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
TV trying to control you and probe you I thought I told
We kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
All that bullshit you hear nowadays on the radio sound
like fables
Just kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP
Y´all going to be feeling this HIP, feeling this HOP
AA kill it with HIP, kill it with HOP

Words a kill my fire is burning still It a burn until
I made sure that
they heard the deal If this a trial I remind you I ain
´t stopping at the
first appeal Only concerned with the real head to
heel I block out
feelings I don´t want to feel Wear my 247 sleeping bag
as a force field
I seek a path that will take me where I need to go I
need to know a week
ago to hell with mass appeal.